Sie sind hier: Startseite Mitarbeiter Team PD Dr. Oliver Roßmannek

PD Dr. Oliver Roßmannek



Contact Information


  Phone: +49 761 203 2392

  Address: Room 04 019, Rempartstraße 16, 79098 Freiburg (Germany)


Degree History

  Dissertation, University of Freiburg, 2017

  Master, University of Göttingen, 2014

  Bachelor, Free University of Berlin, 2011


Teaching (Current and Previous)

  Lectures Master

      • HR and Organisation Theory
      • International Management and Cooperative Strategy


  Lectures Bachelor

      • „Unternehmenstheorie“ (~Introduction to Strategic Management)


  Seminar Master

      • Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Networks
      • Empirical Studies in Management, HR and Organizational Research


Seminar Bachelor

      • Relationships in the Business Environment
      • Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship


Supervision of Theses

      • Bachelor
      • Master
      • State Exam (German College Teachers)


Research Interests


Sharing Economy

Strategic Alliances

Network Theory


Journal Publications (Google Scholar Link)

Rossmannek, O., David, N., Sandoval, C. & Garay, L. (Forthcoming). Bridging the green gap in homesharing: How platforms can increase hosts’ sustainability intentions and behavior. Journal of Travel Research. (Link)

Rossmannek, O., David, N., Schramm-Klein, H. & van der Borgh, M. (Forthcoming). Customer misbehavior and service providers’ risk perception in the sharing economy. Journal of Business Research. (Link)

Rossmannek, O., & Chen, M. (2023). Why people use the sharing economy: A meta-analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production(ahead of print). (Link)

Rossmannek, O., David, N., & Schramm-Klein, H. (2022). Suppliers’ loyalty to their sharing platform: The influence of multiple roles. Journal of Business Research, 143: 272-281. (Link).

Rossmannek, O., & Rank, O. N. (2022). A substitute for poor institutions? - Interorganizational affiliations in the alliance formation process. Management Research Review, 45(1): 118-135. (Link)

Rossmannek, O. (2021). When do service suppliers leave their platform? - The role of friendships. Review of Managerial Science, (ahead of print). >>>OPEN ACESS<<< (Link)

Rossmannek, O., Bosch, F. & Fink, K. (2021). Country-governance quality and signals in the alliance formation process: A meta-analytic approach. International Journal of Business Environment, (ahead of print).

Rossmannek, O., & Rank, O. N. (2021). Is it Really a Universal Phenomenon?‐Preferential Attachment in Alliance Networks. European Management Review, 18(1): 85-99. >>>OPEN ACESS<<< (Link)

Rossmannek, O., & Rank, O. N. (2019). Internationalization of exploitation alliance portfolios and firm performance. Management Decision, 57(1): 86–99. (Link)


Newspaper Articles (in German)

“Das Elend der Massenpromotion” ­ FAZ (Link)

“Einsam an der Spitze” ­ Badische Zeitung (Link)

“Zurück zur Planwirtschaft” ­ taz (die tageszeitung) (Link)

„Reformiert das Grundgesetz! ­ Der Sunset State“ ­ Der Tagesspiegel (Link)

„Deutschland hat ein Kompetenzproblem“ ­ NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung) (Link)

„Mobilität über alles“ ­ Der Freitag (Link)

“Wer soll das alles lesen?” ­ WirtschaftsWoche (Link)