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PD Dr. Oliver Roßmannek



Contact Information


  Phone: +49 761 203 2392

  Address: Room 04 019, Rempartstraße 16, 79098 Freiburg (Germany)


Degree History

  Dissertation, University of Freiburg, 2017

  Master, University of Göttingen, 2014

  Bachelor, Free University of Berlin, 2011


Teaching (Previous)

  Lectures Master

      • HR and Organisation Theory
      • International Management and Cooperative Strategy


  Lectures Bachelor

      • „Unternehmenstheorie“ (~Introduction to Strategic Management)


  Seminar Master

      • Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Networks
      • Empirical Studies in Management, HR and Organizational Research


Seminar Bachelor

      • Relationships in the Business Environment
      • Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship


Supervision of Theses

      • Bachelor
      • Master
      • State Exam (German College Teachers)


Research Interests


Sharing Economy

Strategic Alliances

Network Theory


Journal Publications (Google Scholar Link)

Rossmannek, O., David, N., Sandoval, C. & Garay, L. (Forthcoming). Bridging the green gap in homesharing: How platforms can increase hosts’ sustainability intentions and behavior. Journal of Travel Research. (Link)

Rossmannek, O., David, N., Schramm-Klein, H. & van der Borgh, M. (Forthcoming). Customer misbehavior and service providers’ risk perception in the sharing economy. Journal of Business Research. (Link)

Rossmannek, O., & Chen, M. (2023). Why people use the sharing economy: A meta-analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production(ahead of print). (Link)

Rossmannek, O., David, N., & Schramm-Klein, H. (2022). Suppliers’ loyalty to their sharing platform: The influence of multiple roles. Journal of Business Research, 143: 272-281. (Link).

Rossmannek, O., & Rank, O. N. (2022). A substitute for poor institutions? - Interorganizational affiliations in the alliance formation process. Management Research Review, 45(1): 118-135. (Link)

Rossmannek, O. (2021). When do service suppliers leave their platform? - The role of friendships. Review of Managerial Science, (ahead of print). >>>OPEN ACESS<<< (Link)

Rossmannek, O., Bosch, F. & Fink, K. (2021). Country-governance quality and signals in the alliance formation process: A meta-analytic approach. International Journal of Business Environment, (ahead of print).

Rossmannek, O., & Rank, O. N. (2021). Is it Really a Universal Phenomenon?‐Preferential Attachment in Alliance Networks. European Management Review, 18(1): 85-99. >>>OPEN ACESS<<< (Link)

Rossmannek, O., & Rank, O. N. (2019). Internationalization of exploitation alliance portfolios and firm performance. Management Decision, 57(1): 86–99. (Link)


Newspaper Articles (in German)

“Das Elend der Massenpromotion” ­ FAZ (Link)

“Einsam an der Spitze” ­ Badische Zeitung (Link)

“Zurück zur Planwirtschaft” ­ taz (die tageszeitung) (Link)

„Reformiert das Grundgesetz! ­ Der Sunset State“ ­ Der Tagesspiegel (Link)

„Deutschland hat ein Kompetenzproblem“ ­ NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung) (Link)

„Mobilität über alles“ ­ Der Freitag (Link)

“Wer soll das alles lesen?” ­ WirtschaftsWoche (Link)